Saturday, April 23, 2005

Tax Non-Smokers!

So, I'm driving home from work when some anti-smoker commercial comes on the radio, and it's talking about second hand smoking. Apparantly this is when a non-smoker inhales the smoke from a cigarette being smoked by another person near them. Research shows that second-hand smokers inhale about 10% of what the actual smoker inhales. What the fuck is this? Why do they get to smoke for free, while us real smokers have to pay through the nose? Well, I for one have had enough of you moochers, and I want to start getting some money back!

Okay, let's look at the evidence. A pack of cigarettes, on average, costs around $5.00 (I live in NY state, we tax everything to death in these parts). Around 31% of that is all taxes going to the state. Now, $1.55 of my pack of smokes goes to the state. Let's say I smoke a pack a day, that's $565.75 in a year.

Now, let's look at non-smokers, A.K.A., Mooches. They smoke 10% of my smokes for free. However, the actual cost of smoking 10% of my cigarettes comes out to around $182.50. Thus, I propose the following:

  1. Non-smokers are taxed $182.50 per year, while smokers like myself only pay $383.25 in taxes, which comes out to 21% instead of the %31.5 we have now.
  2. Non-smokers are forced to pay retribution for the years of theft they have been doing. I've been a smoker for around 10 years, which comes out to around $1,825.00. This money is to be taken from the incomes of non-smokers over the next 5 years.
Do you have any idea what would happen if everyone quit smoking? Would it be a beautiful world to live in? No, quite the opposite in fact. All the money that we're paying to the state on a yearly basis would be gone, and the state doesn't like to lose money, so that means they start taxing other things. There's a proposed tax increase on cigarettes now with which they seek to increase the states' tax revenue by around $175,000,000.00. How? By increasing the cost of a pack of cigarettes by $0.45. This, assuming that my math is correct, means that they're already getting over $600,000,000.00 from cigarettes alone. Now, can you tell me with a straight face that Big Brother would wave good bye to that money and not go digging elsewhere? Increased gas prices, sales tax, income tax, etc? If you can, then you my friend are either the best liar I have met to date, or you need to be bludgeoned with a stick until you stop moving, because such stupidity deserves the death penalty.

"But the state would save money on hospital bills!" you say? Okay, let's look at more facts ...

Proposed fact by anti-smoking propaganda: Smoking will take 10 years off your life expectancy.

To quote Dennis Leary, "Well it's the ten worst years, isn't it folks? It's the ones at the end! It's the wheelchair kidney dialysis fucking years. You can have those years! We don't want 'em, alright!?"

Funny, but there's some truth to it as well. How many Senior Citizens do you know that contribute to the economy? Beyond retirement, not a whole fucking lot of them. That is, of course, unless they're forced to get a job because the money they do get from Social Security is a joke in itself. Don't get me wrong, I think old people are great, and I feel no need to ship them off to labor camps in the Ukraine, but facts are facts.

Now, let's say for a moment -- hypothetically speaking, of course -- that every smoker quit smoking now, and added 10 years to their lives. That's 10 years for around 46 million people. How much does a non-productive citizen cost this country in a year? Around $12,000.00? Well, the numbers are in, and we're talking about $552,000,000,000.00 (Five Hundred and Fifty Two BILLION DOLLARS). Now, compare that to the amount supposedly spent on hospital bills by the state.

Okay, so we know how much quitting smoking will cost us, let's go digging for some numbers ... how much is the annual health care cost for smoker's? Well, per a report back in late 1998, $72,000,000,000.00. Let's add some inflation, and let's be generous, shall we? We'll add $28,000,000,000.00 to that, adding up to a total of One Hundred Billion Dollars! Wow, that's a lot! Well, if you compare it to the $552 billion that quitting smoking would cost, we're still missing $452 billion. Add to that the loss of taxes, and suddenly this whole quitting smoking thing isn't looking so cool, is it?

Well, what do you say? More than double your taxes, or stop your fucking whining and propaganda, and let us smokers kill ourselves if that's what we wish to do? It seems fair to me.

Oh, and I expect my check for $1,850.00 in the mail by the end of the month. Fucking mooches.


Blogger Nate said...

You should set up a paypal account to collect your taxes form the non-smokers.

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell is the matter with you asshole? Taxing NON-smokers? you fukkin want to kill yourself with those cowboy killers be my guest. Die faster so the rest of us don't hafta read your stupid posts anymore. It's people like you who are always trying to find a way to screw over decent Americans who work hard for a living. Yall just like them idiots in washington trying to come up with new ways of taxin us workin folk. Im proud to say i have never smoked a cigarette in mylife and its disgusting to go out in public and see smokers everywhere you go. I shouldnt be forced to put up with smoke I dont want. I'm just glad to see you clowns freezing outside in winter cause you cant smoke indorrs no mores. Have fun in the snow gittin canser dickface.

1:52 PM  
Blogger Larf said...

Thank you for that insightful commentary, "BobbyRay." I hope for your sake that your entire post was a joke, and that you're not really as stupid as you come across. Now, why don't you take some of the money you saved on not smoking and get yourself an education? You seem to be badly in need of one.

Just to point this fact out to you, chewing tobacco is tobacco as well. I'm just assuming that you chew; you seem the type.

However, you must be one of the hard working decent Americans that the president is so fond of. Well, Bush may love you, but I still think you're a cock.

Don't you have a sister to go fuck or something?

Thanks for stopping by, I appreciated the laugh.

PS. You might want to check out my latest post on language.

1:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing I chew is yer Mamma's cooter. And you're goddamn right Mr. Bush loves me, I'm out contrbuting to society with every shift I work, over time and all, while you spend your time trying to "contribute" by inventing sarkastic "taxes". Considering the amount of time you spend makin this sad excuse for a website, I imagine yer rollin in welfare to.

Nice, sterrotypical "fuck your sister redneck joke", but I'm to tired from stuffin your momma like a turkey to care. Fuck yourself "Larfsen"... that's about the only way you'll get any.

11:38 AM  
Blogger Larf said...

Aww, isn't he cute, he knows how to make "yo mama" jokes. If you could be any more fucking predictable I'd write your next post for you, typos and all.

Funny how you whine about my having time to write this blog, when you obviously have enough time to search through blogs, read and respond to them. It puts a smile on my face knowing how it managed to piss you off to this extent.

If you don't want to be stereotyped as a redneck, and this may sound crazy to you, but how about not acting like one?

As for work ... judging by your literacy level I'd say you, what, maybe got through elementary school and found anything beyond that to be too challenging? I'm sorry, am I "sterrotyping" you again? If you had bothered reading the rest of my blog (maybe you did, and I was using words that were too big for you? Let me know, I'll come up with some single-syllable stuff for you to wrap your brain around), you'd know what I do for a living.

Next time please come up with something a little more imaginative, you're kind of starting to bore me. You have, however, given me new hope that there is reincarnation ... no fucking way could you get this dizzardly in one single lifetime.

A few words for you to look up for next time (think of it as my contribution to your obviously lacking education):

Eyebrows (notice the "s" at the end, indicating that there's more than one).

PS. Elvis sucked.

11:34 PM  
Blogger SteveHo said... postings ever!

Nice work 'BobbyRay'

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larfsen: You suck. Fucking immigrint.
Steveho: You suck to.

12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'BobbyRay': You keep supporting Larfsen's point everytime you comment. Why don't you just stop the bleeding and throw your computer out the window.
By the way:
BobbyRay said...
Larfsen: You suck. Fucking immigrant.
Steveho: You suck too.
Intellectual Gentlemen.

Have you read larfsen's Proper English: Try it once, you might like it post? You should.

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now THAT is where I draw the line...
Elvis did NOT suck!

...fucking Commie.

8:56 AM  
Blogger SteveHo said...

Whoa, easy there Captain Foreskin.
I was trying to be nice.
If I wanted to call you an Anal Champagne Bottle Stuffing, Father Diddling, Cum-guzzling Queen I would have done so.
However, I am above such actions. [Aside from the Cpt. Prepuce thing...gotta let that one through.]
Listen bro,
Your homework for this evening:
1) Please improve your writing skills.
This looks like a good place to start.
2) Please visit
and review 'sardonicism.'
3) pls2pr0duczurGEDkthx (may have to review 1337 5p34|< for that one...)

Ready go!

9:27 AM  
Blogger Larf said...

A discussion with bobbyray is like a boxing match with a guy who's just punching himself in the face ... where's the fun? Here's a guy who would load all chambers before playing solitary Russian roulette, then be surprised when whatever mysterious mass which is trapped in his cranial cavity gets sprayed all over the wall of his trailer.

And, yeah, Elvis sucked.

10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go bobbyray! we're all behind you here! be sure to procreate and pass on the genes so we have someone to laugh at when we are older! no doubt your labor-heavy lifestyle and infinitely small cranium will result in an early demise, so go out and pollute the gene pool while you can!

2:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I just read this today.

Just do this. Quit smoking and become a moocher.

Problem solved for you at the very least, saving money and still getting to inhale some of that 10% of the smoke from everyone else.

4:03 PM  
Blogger Larf said...

Wow, a mostly intelligent poster. Well, Dekar, I can't do that. I'm just performing my civic duty, and fighting the powers that seek to oppress us poor, much abused smokers Thanks for having a brain, though, even though you may need to hit the on button.

4:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a tiny thought... I consider smoking just how you consider bad singing, annoying. All arguments aside, if you have a beef about bad singing, then you should understand other peoples' problem with smoking.

Also, its nice to talk about the national ramifications of health costs, but that has little to do with day to day life. My father-in-law died of throat cancer brought on by a combination of alcohol and smoking. The emotional distress and medical bills proved to be a severe strain on my family. So, the medical expenses were direct to us, and not covered by the government. "Let him die," you say? Well, I'm all for the "reap what you sow" mentallity, but I still have emotions.

This all boils down to our "rights". Please be consistent in your idealogies. If a bad singer should stick to the venue of their personal shower, then smokers should stick to the venue of their closets (same space). The only difference that I can see, is that poor singing ends abruptly while smoking tends to linger.

Last thought... Language is a tool for communication. Sure you took the time to learn our languge, but so what? You did it for personal gain, not personal enlightenment. Knowing where a comma goes means little if the audience doesn't care. Communication is a two-way street. If you know what someone means, then that is fine. This is a blog, and not the New England Journal of Medicine. Holding to the laws of a language is for lawyers, who nitpick every last word that is uttered. Are you in a position of high stature? If not, then perhaps you need to focus your efforts more appropriately.

Just my thoughts. Thank you for reading them.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Larf said...

Well, I'll start by saying I'm sorry for your loss. Losing a parent always sucks, I know.

As for the national ramifications vs. everyday life ... they're one and the same. Like I said, the cost of living for everyone else would go up were each and every smoker to quit. 550+ billion dollars annually would need to come from somewhere. I didn't even figure in the jobs that would be lost thanks to the death of the tobacco industry, the cancer research which has been made thanks to the tobacco industry, etc. While I'm not trying to tag you as a monster (if you are, then I am), I find it disturbing that humans feel the loss of one person much harder to cope with than we do when the loss numbers in the thousands. I'm the same way, so I can't say too much about it, but if you look at it objectively, it doesn't make much sense. I hate to be a geek and quote Star Trek, especially when I don't have the exact quote in front of me, but Ryker said something which I found to make a lot of sense: "Perhaps if we felt each loss as deeply as that of a loevd one, our history would not be so bloody."

Now, regarding language, grammar, punctuation ... I am of the opinion that yes, it does matter. It is difficult (and perhaps not all that wise) to participate in a written discussion if one lacks basic knowledge of ones own language. I also don't buy the "it's just a blog" excuse. I don't care where it is, if you're writing something, it should be as correct as possible. I play online games, and when I talk with people there I still use proper grammar, sentence structuring and all that jazz. Why? Because I want to be superior? No, because I believe that laziness is part of our world's problem. Cutting corners has become the motto for the last couple of centuries. Granted, ever since the first cave man picked up the first stick to use as a spear we've been "cutting corners" in order to improve our way of life, but language is one of the few things which puts us above the common household pet ... let's not kill it.

Did I learn the language for personal gain? Sure I did. However, you're hardly anyone who can judge whether or not I did it for personal enlightenment. For your information, I actually did.

You said "Knowing where a comma goes means little if the audience doesn't care." This is the kind of attitude which I find to be, in large, the problem with modern day society. If people only did something because the audience cared, we'd still be pounding wolves with rocks. Anyone who claims that they're saving time by not applying rules to their language needs a serious kick to the head, because there's no way 99% of those people are that important that they can't sacrifice another 20 seconds per post they make.

"Holding to the laws of a language is for lawyers" ... I don't even know what to say about this comment. It makes no sense at all. Lawyers slaughter the language, they abuse it, they punch holes in it and then molest those holes for as long as they can. When used properly language is an art. While it can be a tool, it can be a paintbrush, and it can be a weapon. However, you wouldn't try to paint with a mangled brush, you wouldn't build a cabinet with a sledge hammer, and you wouldn't enter battle with a dull sword ... please, don't treat your language any worse.

I don't just want to try to get a point across, I also don't want to sound like a 7 year old in the attempt.

10:22 AM  

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