Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Who would win?

If Mr. Brawny and Mr. Clean were to battle it out in an Arena of discord, who would win? My bet would be on Mr. Clean. Why? He doesn't look Canadian.

Who would win in a battle?
Brawny Guy Mr. Clean


Blogger SteveHo said...

This really stinks...I wanna vote for the old Brawny guy.
But Mr. Clean is the Sam Jackson of the cleaning world. If you checked his wallet, it'd say "Badass Motherfucker" on it.

If you want a write-up of how the match went...just ask WoJo to write it up...he's got some really good writeups in his Battle of the Badasses tournament.

3:28 PM  
Blogger SteveHo said...

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3:29 PM  
Blogger SteveHo said...

Battle of the Badasses

3:32 PM  

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